Tuesday, January 17, 2006


The Lord has been speaking to me about "positional" anointing/presence.What I mean by this is there is a direct correlation between where you have positioned yourself geographically and who you have positioned yourself under in that area that bring an abiding manifestation of His presence into your life. That does not negate our own responsibility to remain pure in heart in order to experience His presence, but it does greatly increase His presence if we are walking according to His will.
There must come to every area a covering for the people of that area. Consider an area a "region". As the Lord was speaking to me about this He referred to this covering as an "Apostolic Covering". There are people in each "region" that are called to lay down their own adgendas with total humility to do what God wants them to do in a particular "region". He has not called them to come up with programs and man made ideas. He has called them to simply admit that He is the Great I AM and they are not. That He is everything and they are nothing, that they can do absolutely nothing without Him. Those who are interested in fading into nothingness so that He alone can become the Name that is built up.
There are not many who have answered this call. It has a high price and not many are willing to pay it, even though the reward is so great. Many will have to stop everything and "go back to square one so to speak", which means admitting that their plans and programs weren't God's ideas after all, but pride won't let them do that so they will miss the higher calling. But for those who will answer His call there will be an open portal of power and fulfillment over their area. There will be a level of protection, shelter, safety (peace) and a place of refuge for the hungry, weary, and poor.
The blessing that comes with that kind of obedience will be made manifest to those who come near to them. The open portal of the manifest blessing of His presence will cover those who are near to them, and those in the "region".
Let's become those who are willing to sacrifice for Him and spread His manifest presence.

Other web pages:
Pastor Bob Moede --
Shawn Moultrie --