Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Luke 11:20-22

The enemy likes things to stay in a peaceful condition, to draw the Body into apathy and passiveness. When the enemy draws this line, we, as God's army, need to crash through and invade his little "peace party."

We need to declare an understanding of the Lord's teachings and learn to break the strongholds in our lives.


A stronghold is anything that goes against the reality of God's Word. A deception, needs to be battled by loosing and binding in a stronghold of truth.

In Ephesians 6, part of the armour listed is a helmet of salvation, a helmet of protection. The armor is put on in order of growth, first the mind, then we grow in using the Sword as an offensive weapon.

The war is going on in the mind, I Corinthians 10:3-6, "...bringing into captivity every thought...". You have to choose who is going to "brain wash" you.

There are four "turning point" verses for war engaged in the mind.

1. 2 Timothy 1:3-7 (you stir up)
Isaiah was asked why there were no intercessors. Basically people were afraid to intercede. The NOT stirring up of the things in peoples lives, deals with a lying spirit, that brings in a spirit of fear. "You stir up" deals with you battling the spirit and doing what God has called you to do.

2. Romans 8:37 (all things, more than conquerors)
This was written to a church being falsely accused and deals with a spirit of depression. When we get militant and violent in prayer, the enemy is defeated and joy comes our way. But, remember, there was a time span between D-Day and V-Day. At D-Day the war was over, the enemy ran rampant for one year and killed more people than they did during the war, before they knew they had been defeated. Once the enemy knew he was defeated, the came V-Day.

3. I John 4:4
This Scripture deals with a spirit of deception. The only way to really get to know God is to surrender everything to Him.

4. Revelation 12:11
Deals with the accuser of the brethren. The enemy is afraid of the blood. Jesus has won, but the enemy will tell you that you won't make it. Tell him, "I will overcome you by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of my testimony, loving not my life unto death." You can forget about winning the battle that's coming against the Church if you are not submitted to God.

We have got to get to a place where we know what it means to be a living sacrifice, giving our lives daily to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. There needs to be a brand new day birthed into the Church, a day when the Church sends up a militant war cry. There's a war for the mind and the Church needs a spirit of revelation and wisdom to flow through it by Jesus Christ, the Spirit, the Blood and the Word of God.